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Barnburgh Primary Academy

Barnburgh Primary Academy

School Grid and Parent Pay

We are a cashless school, which means that all payments are made online.


School Grid

SchoolGrid can be accessed online via the logo above. We collect all payments for school meals on SchoolGrid. With SchoolGrid, you can easily order and pay for your child's meals with just a few clicks. To get started, SchoolGrid will be sending you a welcome email with instructions on how to activate your account and create your password. We will let you know what date to look out for this in your inbox. Please note that in order for your account to be created, we will be sharing your information with SchoolGrid. 

You can order on a daily, weekly, monthly or even termly basis. The system will allow you to place as many orders in advance as you like, up to the point the menu has been opened for. You can also make a sameday order up to 8:55am.

If your child is in Nursery or Years 3 to 6, and you pay for your child’s meals, then you have two options on SchoolGrid. You can top up your account by making a card payment or alternatively, you can set up a Direct Debit. To place an order, you need to ensure you have the relevant credit on your account or a Direct Debit set up. If you do not have these, you will be unable to order and will receive a reminder message to make payment.

With Direct Debit, SchoolGrid collects the payment on a monthly basis and it is collected in arrears. Your Direct Debit amount can vary depending on the amount of meals taken within the period so a statement will be sent to you two weeks prior to the collection, detailing the exact date and the amount to be collected, as well as all the meals included.

Please remember to cancel your order if your child will not be having the meal at lunchtime, otherwise you may still be charged. This also helps cut down on food wastage.


Parent Pay


We collect all payments for school visits, visitors in school, nursery and anything other than school meals on Parent Pay. 

Parent Pay can be accessed online via the logo below, or alternatively, you can pay by cash using the Pay Point network at local convenience stores - you will need a code from the school office to make payments at any Pay Point. 


ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available. You are able to pay via PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Parents are issued with an online secured account, activated by their unique username and password; on first use, this will prompt you to change those details, and to keep them safe and secure. Parents with more than one child at our school, or with children at another school, can use this same system to merge accounts, therefore creating one login for all your children.

Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system.

The only cash we will accept in school is for sponsorship and charity donations, as this money does not belong to either our school or the Trust.